Summer Programme 2016
The Sail Britain Coastline Project aims to celebrate the beauty and importance of what we find along the shores close to home. Adventure, discovery and stunning sights don’t have to be about long haul destinations and massive carbon footprints, and our Summer sailing along the Suffolk and Essex coastline proved that in no uncertain fashion. ‘Who needs the Med?’ we thought as Puffin sailed North towards Orford Haven, spinnaker billowing in the breeze and her crew basking in the sunshine.
Yet this coastline never sleeps and as we approached the entrance to the River Ore with its fierce tides and treacherous sandbanks, we all had to have our wits about us. It’s what makes the otherwise unassuming East Coast so interesting, and if the weather is inclement, challenging. Navigation has to be spot on or you could find yourselves stranded!
Another wonderful aspect of East Anglia is its solitude. So many of the little creeks and backwaters are hidden secrets, almost impossible to reach from the land, and only with careful navigation from the sea. If you want, you can have them to yourselves!
These pictures from one of our Summer trips speak for themselves.